"…for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." (Proverbs 8:11)
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The Ultimate Superhero

Throughout the past year, I couldn’t help but notice Hollywood’s renewed fascination with superheroes. Batman. Iron Man. The Hulk. The Spirit. It seems these days that every cinematic blockbuster centers on a comic icon. And don’t forget the mortal crusaders protecting us from evil, like Jason Bourne, James Bond, or Max Payne. Their bravery and brazenness make us all feel a little more empowered, and let us vicariously stand-up to bad guys of every ilk as we comfortably munch on popcorn and Junior Mints.

It’s as if, in our collective consciousness, we secretly hope that a mysterious stranger will come swooping in and save us from society’s ills. As a nation, we long to abdicate responsibility for our current state of affairs and instead look for a mystical bail-out package wrapped in a flowing cape. We want a crime-fighting vigilante with super human strength, an iron will, and perhaps a few cool gadgets to deal with the drug lords, gangbangers, and scheming sociopaths all around us.

But, this Christmas season is a reminder that the ultimate superhero has already come, and still walks with us today. He’s not an undercover agent or a radioactive monster. He is God made man — the King of King and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. [Read more →]

December 17, 2008   3 Comments

Martin Dale’s Magic Pill

Over Memorial Day Weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting Martin and Kim Dale, longtime friends of my husband, Craig, and directors of Youth With a Mission (YWAM) in Houston, Texas. They were in town for a conference, and Craig was eager to get together, given that it had been more than ten years since he had seen them last. We rendezvous’d on Saturday afternoon at a lovely Greek cafe in north Dallas and spent some 90 minutes sharing stories over hummus and baklava. I left with a full belly and a humble heart.

The reality of drug addictionYou see, Martin and Kim are passionate people. They have a genuine calling to help the kind of individuals whom many would look upon with disdain or dismiss as “hopeless”. Specifically, YWAM Houston ministers to prostitutes, crack addicts, transexuals, drug dealers and gang members in an effort to rescue them from the streets and help them turn their lives around. They also train teens and young adults for ministry, equipping them with the skills and courage to enter the roughest inner city neighborhoods and offer assistance to anyone in need. The group is part of YWAM International, which currently operates in more than 1000 locations across 149 countries.

The Dales share the combined giftings of compassion and evangelism, and have dedicated their lives to reaching the lost. They also manage to do it in a way that’s not preachy or self-righteous. If I say any more, that’s exactly how I’m likely to come off, so I’ll let the video do the talking.


Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. (Proverbs 24:11)

May 27, 2008   Comments Off on Martin Dale’s Magic Pill